TOM Home Page

Thanks for visiting the home of TIRED OLD MEN.  This is the place where you can check out all the latest news (there rarely is any), photos (ouch!), music (maybe some day) and videos (seriously?).  Be sure to check out the different pages on our site.  

Also be sure to pick up our first CD - "Close Enough" - coming out sometime this century.  Thanks for your support!


In 2012 the layout and decor of the basement was completely remodeled.  This included a new bar, more seating, better access to the fridge and bathroom and an upgraded French drain system.  The basement is now much more comfortable and practical for both band members and listeners.  Acoustics are also better with the new layout.  New photos showing the improved layout are in the photo section under 2012 Set-up. 


The 17th Annual TOM BBQ was on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at the same location as the last 3 years - the lovely home, yard, patio and pool of Fatima and Ken Bruhns.  The Bruhns have again offered the use of their beautiful inground pool for our party guests next year!  Music began at 2:00 p.m. and ran until 6.  We had a good turnout - somewhere between 50 and 60 people were there over the course of the day....the very VERY hot day! 

As usual the band supplied grilling meats and people brought a wide array of other food and beverages, side dishes, salads, desserts, libations or main courses to augment the excellent grillled chicken, london broil, steak, burgers, hot dogs, etc. Unfortunately our great perenniel chef for many years, Rob Cassella, had a family commitment so once again assistant chef "Uncle Bud" Ronnie stepped up to man the grilling activities, and what a fine job he did!

We had been rehearsing hard for months and learned some new songs that went over well as did our newest guitarist/lead singer Frank Trani who did a great job at his first TOM BBQ.  It was great having alum Michael Surless sit in on 2 songs plus an encore,  Everyone also loved Rusty's Hootenanny set during the second intermission.  

Our third annual performance at the New Jersey State Fair in Sussex County is set for August 10 at 1 p.m.  As usual both Kenny and Frank will pitch in here and there on keyboards as needed and this has been working out very well.  Sadly, for various reasons Frank will be leaving TOM after our set at the State Fair.  The search is underway for another singer/guitarist and/or keyboard player.  Frank plans to continue popping in to jam night whenever he is able and, like all TOM alumni, will always be welcome here.

We have been invited back to the Bruhns' house in 2020, most likely June 13 (the Saturday before Father's Day) for our 18th annual barbecue.  And of course every yuletide be sure to join us for Rusty's Annual Kosher Christmas Party Jam - coming your way on a Wednesday in December, tentatively scheduled for 12/18/2019.. 

The TOM fully support "The Wrecking Crew", an excellent and important movie about a bunch of LA session musicians responsible for scores of top hits for numerous famous artists and bands in the 1960's and beyond.  Try to see the movie if it comes to your area or pick up the Bluray or DVD.  You won't be sorry.

Lastly - click on any date on the calendar to see if there are any special notes about that event.


46,668 views since Sunday, 31 October 2010.


TOM would like to thank professional photographers Seth Litroff of SPLit Photography and George Olsen for their years of supporting our band and their contributions to this website.

TOM would also like to thank our many fans and friends in the US, Canada, the UK and Germany for their years of loyal support.

Most especially, TOM would like to give our never-ending GRATITUDE to all our BBQ hosts over the years:

>> Sharon - creator of the TOM BBQ and generous hostess

>> Beth - "greatest party house in Bergen County"

>> Allison - great band area and easiest band loadin

>> Lori - tireless hostess and huge band supporter

>> Fatima - yard, pool and patio right out of Better Homes and Gardens